Tom Mullins: Destined to Develop the Economy by Robert Marlin admin Featured December 22, 2020 0From the moment Tom Mullins arrived in Tyler thirty-oneyears ago to assume the position of President and CEO ofthe Tyler...
Let Giving Be Part of the Legacy You Leave by Dawn Franks admin Featured December 22, 2020 0You have a life story. Giving is part of yourstory—a part of your legacy. First, let’s talkabout your legacy. The...
What’s In a Name? by Jennifer Hines admin Education December 22, 2020 0Many have wondered exactly how the new names for Tyler ISD’s two flagship high schools came tobe In the very...
The Artists Behind The Wings of Tyler by Robert Marlin admin Cover December 22, 2020 0October third marks the first anniversary since the unveiling of “Wings of Tyler.”Many call it a public art project, but...
A Tyler Treasure: Kathryn Turman, On the Frontline of History by Pat Wheeler admin Featured December 22, 2020 0Kathryn Turman is a wonderful conversationalist. Given her long andlaudable career in public service, citing that attribute is a testimony...
2021 and Beyond: The Auto Dealers’ Perspective by Robert Marlin admin Featured December 22, 2020 0What is more exciting every fall than seeing what the newmodel year has to offer car buyers? It’s even more...
Man About Town by Dr. Aubrey D. Sharpe admin Dining / Entertainment December 22, 2020 0Texas Music City Grill and Smokehouse (TXM) is everythingthat’s “the best of Texas.” The music, the Hill Countrylook, the eighteenth-century...
The United Way: 80 Years Serving Smith County by Robert Marlin admin Featured December 22, 2020 0“THE POWER OF YOU.” YOU, THE MEMBERS OF YOUR LOCALCOMMUNITIES, ARE THE POWER THAT MAKES THE UNITED WAYSUCCESSFUL IN GETTING...
Fighting Hunger & Feeding Hope by Lauren Barnes admin Featured December 22, 2020 0With an increase in demand for food assistance anddecrease in food donations and volunteers, theCOVID-19 pandemic has created the “perfectstorm”...
The Fight Against COVID-19: Close to Home by Jeff Johnson admin Featured December 22, 2020 0In every newscast, in every newspaper, and in countless social mediaposts since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, two organizationshave...